Agent Policies


Simple Summary

As specified in TAIP-5, agents are services often run by businesses that have business, contractual, and regulatory reasons for managing risk regarding transactions. Individuals may also create policies to protect themselves from unwanted liability and security risks. As part of TAIP-4 they can declare their requirements for authorizing a transaction as policies.


This specification allows TAIP-5 Agents to specify their requirements to authorize a transaction as part of the Transaction Authorization Protocol Flow. These policies are used to negotiate the exchange of information each Agent requires to be able to authorize or reject a transaction swiftly.


Traditional centrally managed Payment Associations issue shared guidelines and policies as part of their membership agreements, ensuring information requirements are standardized regionally and globally. TAP was designed to work in a decentralized ecosystem based on public blockchains, with no centralized association to create a set of policies.

Use cases and regulations are rapidly expanding worldwide, and some jurisdictions have stricter requirements than others. E-commerce and trading use cases also have different requirements, so they can’t be standardized in a global set of policies for everyone to implement.

The approach proposed here allows each agent to declare their policies and will enable each agent to decide if they want to comply with them based on balancing risk and business value.

This method allows a market-based approach to rolling out policies instead of a top-down policy by a national or transnational organization.


Policy types

Policies are listed in the optional policies attribute of a TAIP-5 object. Policies are implemented as [JSON-LD] objects with a specific type. This allows future Policies to easily be expanded and linked to.

In the following example an Agent has included their policies:

  "@id": "did:web:originator.vasp",
  "policies": [
      "@type": "RequireAuthorization",
      "fromAgent": "beneficiary"
      "@type": "RequireBeneficiaryCheck",
      "fromAgent": "beneficiary"
      "@type": "RequireRelationshipConfirmation",
      "fromRole": "SettlementAddress"

A policy is a [JSON-LD] object and has the following required attribute:

  • @type - REQUIRED the Type of the policy, which should be defined in a context defined in the containing [JSON-LD] document. The TAP Vocabulary contains a few standard ones to be covered below

Since a policy is defined by it's [JSON-LD] Type it can contain additional required or optional attributes. The standard TAP Vocabulary contains the following:

  • from - OPTIONAL a string or an array of DIDs representing parties or agent in a transaction
  • fromRole - OPTIONAL a string or an array of strings of role as specified for the particular kind of transaction. Eg. SettlementAddress for TAIP-3
  • fromAgent - OPTIONAL from an Agent representing a party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • purpose - OPTIONAL Human readable string about what the purpose is for this requirement


An agent requires an authorize action before they will settle a transaction. If no additional parameters are provided, it requires each agent to authorize a transaction. They can use from, fromRole, or fromAgent as defined above to limit this requirement.

  • @type - REQUIRED RequireAuthorization
  • from - OPTIONAL a string or an array of DIDs representing parties or agent in a transaction
  • fromRole - OPTIONAL a string or an array of strings of role as specified for the particular kind of transaction. Eg. SettlementAddress for TAIP-3
  • fromAgent - OPTIONAL from an Agent representing a party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • purpose - OPTIONAL Human readable string about what the purpose is for this requirement


This is a generic way of requesting a selected Verifiable Presentation from another agent in the transaction of a particular identity information regarding a party or agent.

  • @type - REQUIRED RequirePresentation
  • fromAgent - REQUIRED Requesting presentation from an Agent representing the party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • about - OPTIONAL Requesting presentation about a string or an array of DIDs representing specific parties or agent in a transaction.
  • aboutParty - OPTIONAL Requesting presentation about a specific party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • aboutAgent - OPTIONAL Requesting presentation about a specific Agent representing a party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • purpose - OPTIONAL Human readable string about what the purpose is for this requirement
  • presentationDefinition - REQUIRED a URL to a Presentation Definition defining required information

See TAIP-8 for more details about how the requested presentation is presented.


An Agent can request any other Agent signs a message proving they control a given agent. In most cases this would be useful to verify that a SettlementAddress is controlled by the Beneficiary or an Agent on behalf of the Beneficiary. This ensures that funds are sent to the correct address for the beneficiary to avoid loss of funds. It can also be used for an Agent to verify their relationship to a transaction, before receiving sensitive PII from another agent.

  • @type - REQUIRED RequireRelationshipConfirmation
  • from - OPTIONAL a string or an array of DIDs representing parties or agent in a transaction
  • fromRole - OPTIONAL a string or an array of strings of role as specified for the particular kind of transaction. Eg. SettlementAddress for TAIP-3
  • fromAgent - OPTIONAL from an Agent representing a party in the transaction. Eg. originator or beneficiary in TAIP-3
  • nonce - REQUIRED Randomized token to prevent signature replay attacks.
  • purpose - OPTIONAL Human readable string about what the purpose is for this requirement

See TAIP-9 for more details on how the proof is performed and shared.

UpdatePolicies message

In parallel with the Authorization Flow agents can send TAIP-2 messages to other agents to update their policy. This allows them to dynamically update requirements based on changing risk in real-time.

Please note that like any TAIP-2 messages, these are just messages sent by an agent. For security purposes a receiving Agent MUST determine if they can trust the sender for the information provided. Agents MUST only send UpdatePolicies on their own behalf. Other agents in a transaction MUST ignore UpdatePolicies messages from agents not know to be part of a transaction.

Any agent can add additional agents to a transaction by replying as a thread to the initial message. The following shows the attributes of the body object:

  • @context - REQUIRED the JSON-LD context https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0 (provisional)
  • @type - REQUIRED the JSON-LD type https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#UpdatePolicies (provisional)
  • policies - REQUIRED an array of Policies to replace the current set of policies


Having centrally managed policies as found in most centralized payment systems, is not a good option for the decentralized aspect of crypto currency settlement. Allowing each Agent to declare their own policies and enforce them collaboratively is important for continued innovation in the space.

Test Cases

Provide here any test cases that will help implementers of the TAIP to validate their implementation.

Specific Policies

RequireAuthorization Examples

This policy requires that all agents in a TAIP-3 transaction authorizes a transaction prior to settlement.

  "@type": "RequireAuthorization"

This policy requires that a specific agent in a TAIP-3 transaction authorizes a transaction prior to settlement.

  "@type": "RequireAuthorization",
  "from": ["did:web:beneficiary.vasp"],
  "purpose": "FATF Travel Rule Compliance"

This policy requires the direct agent of the beneficiary party in a TAIP-3 transaction to authorize a transaction prior to settlement.

  "@type": "RequireAuthorization",
  "fromAgent": "beneficiary"

RequirePresentation examples

This example requests verified information about the originator party from the Agent of the originator. The specifics of what is requested is defined in a URL to Presentation Definition. These could be used to pre-define requirements under certain national regulations or be customized:

  "@type": "RequirePresentation",
  "@context": [
  "fromAgent": "originator",
  "aboutParty": "originator",
  "purpose": "EU TFR Compliance",
  "presentationDefinition": "https://tap.rsvp/presentation-definitions/ivms-101/eu/tfr"

This example requests verified information about the Agent of the originator from themselves.The specifics of what is requested is defined in a URL to Presentation Definition:

  "@type": "RequirePresentation",
  "@context": [
  "fromAgent": "originator",
  "aboutAgent": "originator",
  "purpose": "GDPR compliance",
  "presentationDefinition": "https://tap.rsvp/presentation-definitions/eu/gdpr/dpa"

RequireProofOfControl examples

  "@type": "RequireProofOfControl",
  "fromRole": "SettlementAddress",
  "purpose": "GDPR compliance",
  "nonce": 32891756

UpdatePolicies Messages

The following are example plaintext messages. See TAIP-2 for how to sign the messages.

  "from": "did:web:beneficiary.vasp",
  "type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#UpdatePolicies",
  "thid": "ID of transfer request",
  "to": ["did:web:originator.vasp"],
  "body": {
    "@context": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0",
    "@type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#UpdatePolicies",
    "policies": [
        "@type": "RequirePresentation",
        "@context": [
        "fromAgent": "originator",
        "aboutParty": "originator",
        "credentials": {
          "Person": ["firstName", "lastName", "nationalId"],
          "Entity": ["leiCode"]
        "@type": "RequireProofOfControl",
        "fromRole": "SourceAddress",
        "nonce": 32891756

Security Considerations

As in any decentralized messaging protocol, it is paramount that the recipient of messages trust the senders in the context of a particular transaction.

TODO specify in more detail

Privacy Considerations


  • TAIP-2 Defines the TAP Message structure
  • TAIP-3 Asset Transfer Message
  • TAIP-4 Transaction Authorization Protocol
  • TAIP-5 Agents
  • TAIP-6 Transaction Parties
  • TAIP-8 Selective Disclosure
  • TAIP-9 Proof of Control
  • CAIP-10 Describes chainagnostic Account ID Specification
  • ISO-20022 ISO-20022 Universal Financial Industry message scheme
  • ISO-8583 ISO-8683 Financial-transaction-card-originated messages
  • DID W3C Decentralized Identifiers
  • DIDComm DIDComm Messaging
  • DIDCommTransports DIDComm Transports
  • DIDCommOOB DIDComm Out-of-Band
  • PEx Presentation Exchange
  • PExDef Presentation Exchange - Presentation Definition
  • VCModel W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model
  • VC Verifiable Credentials
  • VP Verifiable Presentation
  • PKH-DID did:pkh specification
  • WEB-DID did:web specification


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