Transaction Authorization Protocol


Simple Summary

A simple generic transaction authorization flow allows agents acting on behalf of transaction parties to collaborate around authorizing or rejecting it.


This specification defines the Transaction Authorization Protocol, which allows Transaction Agents acting on behalf of Transaction Parties to Authorize a transaction such as an Virtual Asset Transfer. The specification defines a small set of Messages between Agents.


Crypto transactions and blockchains are trustless and follow strict guidelines implemented in the underlying blockchain protocol. This trustlessness allows most blockchains to be permissionless and function without centralized control, one of the core drivers behind innovation and growth in the field.

Unfortunately, it presents businesses and individuals transacting on blockchains with several operational and risk-based challenges that must be solved for crypto transactions and blockchains to take off fully. The Transaction Authorization Protocol (TAP) and TAIP-4 offer a way to solve this privately between parties without requiring changes to the permissionless aspects of blockchains today.

We will use the term "Settlement layer" to refer to the underlying blockchain protocol. It can refer to either Layer-1, Layer-2, or even DeFi protocols. We will use the term "Authorization layer" for the off-chain process handled by transaction participants before or after settling the transaction on a blockchain.

Current State of Crypto Transactions

Currently, crypto transactions are limited by their reliance on unilateral authorization by key holders, lacking mechanisms for authorization by beneficiaries.

    Participant Originator
    Participant Originating Wallet
    Participant Blockchain
    Participant Beneficiary Wallet
    Participant Beneficiary

    Beneficiary Wallet -->> Beneficiary: Generate account address
    Beneficiary -->> Originator: Provide account address
    Originator -->> Originating Wallet: Authorize
    Originating Wallet->>Blockchain: Submit Transaction
    Blockchain ->> Beneficiary Wallet: Validated Transaction
    Beneficiary Wallet -->> Beneficiary: Notify

Once a transaction is authorized and submitted to the blockchain by the originating wallet’s key holders, it is impossible by design to reverse the transaction, representing a significant change over traditional payment systems that separate payment authorizations from the underlying settlement.

    direction lr
    [*] --> Request
    state Wallet {
        Request --> Signed
        Signed --> Mempool
    state Public {
        Mempool --> Confirmed
    note left of Mempool
        Node operator
    end note
    note right of Confirmed
    end note
    Confirmed --> [*]

The above demonstrates the state machine behind all blockchain transactions. The only party able to authorize a transaction is the wallet holder. Once it has been submitted to the public Mempool, the wallet owner can still, in some cases, change it, but once confirmed, no one can reverse it.

Travel Rule Protocols

Most protocols implementing the FATF Travel Rule for crypto transactions have also implemented a two-party authorization flow between an originator and beneficiary institution. These are all implemented through a deterministic message flow. Each agent or party to a transaction is expected to perform a set of actions in a particular sequence. In most cases, they don’t do that but implement the travel rule somewhat haphazardly or not at all, causing most parties' customers to not complete a successful authorization flow of a transaction.

Non-deterministic multi-party authorization

TAP proposes a non-deterministic message flow, allowing each party to negotiate for their required information and use game theoretical principles to encourage counterparties to help them implement their policy around transactions. An institution can force some consensus around the state of the payment by withholding settlement or not sharing a settlement address until all the participating agents have mitigated sufficient risk.


Messages implement TAIP-2 and are sent between TAIP-5 Agents after an initial transaction request, such as a TAIP-3 Asset Transfer. Authorization messages MUST include the id of the original transaction request in the thid attribute of the message.

It is essential to understand that this is, strictly speaking, a messaging standard. No shared state is implied between agents except the ultimate settlement on a blockchain.

There are three primary actions an agent can take:

  • Settle - They announce they will send the transaction to the blockchain.
  • Authorize - Authorize or signal to other agents that they are free to settle a transaction.
  • Reject - Signal to other agents that they reject the transaction.

All messages are sent as replies to an initial request by specifying the id of the original request in the thid attribute.


Any agent can authorize the transaction by replying as a thread to the initial message. The following shows the attributes of the body object:

  • @context - REQUIRED the JSON-LD context https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0 (provisional)
  • @type - REQUIRED the JSON-LD type https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Authorize (provisional)
  • settlementAddress - OPTIONAL string representing the intended destination address of the transaction specified in CAIP-10 format. If sent by a VASP representing the beneficiary this is REQUIRED unless the original request contains a settlementAddress. For all others it is OPTIONAL.

By not providing a settlementAddress until after Authorization, beneficiary agents can reject incoming blockchain transactions for the first time.

An example Authorization flow using two agents where the settlementAddress was included in the original Transfer message:

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer [settlementAddress]
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize

An example Authorization flow using two agents where the settlementAddress was not included in the original Transfer message, and thus has to be specified by a Beneficiary Agent:

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize [settlementAddress]

An example Authorization flow using three agents, including a wallet API service representing the Beneficiary agent, where the settlementAddress was not included in the original Transfer message, and thus has to be specified by a Beneficiary Agent:

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary WalletAPI
    Participant Beneficiary Agent
    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize
    Beneficiary WalletAPI ->> Originating Agent: Authorize [settlementAddress]

The above flow demonstrates the power of multiple agents collaborating around authorizing a transaction. The Beneficiary Agent and WalletAPI maintain their risk profiles and can independently authorize the transaction. In most cases, the Wallet API will defer to their customer, the Beneficiary Agent, and can use the signal that their customer Authorizes it to Authorize it and present the settlementAddress to the originating agent.


An originating agent notifies the other agents in the same thread that they are ready to settle the transfer. The following shows the attributes of the body object:

  • @context - REQUIRED the JSON-LD context https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0 (provisional)
  • @type - REQUIRED the JSON-LD type https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Settle (provisional)
  • settlementId - OPTIONAL a CAIP-220 identifier of the underlying settlement transaction on a blockchain. REQUIRED by at least one agent representing the originator.

The following shows an simplified authorization flow with a succesfull outcome (transaction settled):

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize
    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Settle [settlementId]

The following shows an authorization flow with the addition of a wallet API provider as an agent representing the originating agent, with a succesfull outcome (transaction settled):

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Originating WalletAPI
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize    
    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Settle
    Originating WalletAPI ->> Beneficiary Agent: Settle [settlementId]

The above flow also demonstrates the power of multiple agents collaborating to authorize a transaction. The Originating Agent and WalletAPI maintain their risk profiles and can independently authorize the transaction for settlement. In most cases, the Wallet API will defer to their customer, the Originating Agent, and can use the signal that their customer sends a Settle message to settle it on the blockchain and present the settlementId to the other agents.


Use a simplified version of the format proposed by CAIP-220

block_address:        chain_id + ":" [ + "block:"]? + "txn/" + transaction_id?
chain_id:             [-a-z0-9]{3,8}:[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,32} (See [CAIP-2][])
transaction_id:       [-%a-zA-Z0-9]{1,128}




Any agent can always reject a transaction. This does not mean another party will comply with it.

  • @context - REQUIRED the JSON-LD context https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0 (provisional)
  • @type - REQUIRED the JSON-LD type https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Reject (provisional)
  • reason - OPTIONAL Human readable message describing why the transaction was rejected

The following shows a simple rejection of a Transfer by the Beneficiary Agent.

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Reject

Any participants can Reject a Transfer. Even after others have authorized it. As an example an originating agent could reject a transaction authorized by the beneficiary agent, after the settlementAddress had too high a risk score.

    Participant Originating Agent
    Participant Beneficiary Agent

    Originating Agent ->> Beneficiary Agent: Transfer
    Beneficiary Agent ->> Originating Agent: Authorize [settlementAddress]
    Originating Agent ->> Originating Agent: Reject

Transaction State from the point of view of various agents

This is a potential state machine from the point of view of the originating agent (remember there is no shared state between agents, and each agent must maintain their own state):

    direction lr
    [*] --> Request : Transfer
    Request --> Authorized : Authorize
    Request --> Rejected : Reject
    Authorized --> Settled : Settle
    Settled --> [*]

This is a potential state machine from the point of view of the beneficiary agent:

    direction lr
    [*] --> Received : Transfer
    Received --> Authorized : Authorize
    Received --> Rejected : Reject
    Authorized --> Settled : Settle
    Settled --> [*]


A vital aspect of this flow is the intentional lack of a shared state. Focusing on a message flow instead makes it more realistic to use in permissionless blockchain applications. It also does provide more complexity for the implementing agent and their policies (see TAIP-7).

Test Cases

The following are example plaintext messages. See TAIP-2 for how to sign the messages.


  "from": "did:web:beneficiary.vasp",
  "type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Authorize",
  "thid": "ID of transfer request",
  "to": ["did:web:originator.vasp"],
  "body": {
    "@context": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0",
    "@type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Authorize",
    "settlementAddress": "eip155:1:0x1234a96D359eC26a11e2C2b3d8f8B8942d5Bfcdb" /*CAIP-2 account address */


  "from": "did:web:originator.vasp",
  "type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Settle",
  "thid": "ID of transfer request",
  "to": ["did:web:beneficiary.vasp"],
  "body": {
    "@context": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0",
    "@type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Settle",
    "settlementId": "eip155:1:tx/0x3edb98c24d46d148eb926c714f4fbaa117c47b0c0821f38bfce9763604457c33" /* Blockchain transaction hash */


  "from": "did:web:beneficiary.vasp",
  "type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Reject",
  "thid": "ID of transfer request",
  "to": ["did:web:originator.vasp"],
  "body": {
    "@context": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0",
    "@type": "https://tap.rsvp/schema/1.0#Reject",
    "reason": "Beneficiary name mismatch"

Security Considerations

It is always the responsibility of each agent to verify the contents of each message before acting on it. This includes verifying that the sender of a message is part of a transaction flow.

Privacy Considerations

The only potential PII that could be shared and leaked through this flow are public blockchain addresses of specific customers. Agents can minimize this by no longer issuing blockchain addresses to individual customers and relying on more efficient omnibus accounts.


  • TAIP Whitepaper The Transaction Authorization Whitepaper
  • TAIP-2 Defines the TAP Message structure
  • TAIP-3 Asset Transfer Message
  • TAIP-5 Transaction Agents
  • TAIP-6 Transaction Parties
  • TAIP-7 Policies
  • CAIP-10 Describes chainagnostic Account ID Specification
  • CAIP-19 Describes chainagnostic Asset ID specification


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